European MUF by Grid Square

This map includes all amateur communication modes, including digital modes and skimmer reports and that the software considers to be via sporadic-E propagation.

Click image for full size.
Analogue and Digital modes contribute to the map.

The map above is auto-refreshed every minute or so. It’s generated by the application LiveMUF by Dave Edwards, G7RAU. This application is available to licenced radio amateurs to produce their own propagation maps.

Note that this is a map based on actual radio contact reports. It does NOT show the location of all sporadic-E clouds! For example, the MUF can’t be reported over the wide oceans as no one is out there to make a contact (unless they’re on a ship!) so the majority of coloured squares seen here will be over the land.

The calculated average MUF (Maximum Useable Frequency) is shown on the map in the grid square* at the contact’s mid-point, where the assumed ionospheric refraction occurs. If high MUF is being reported, the grid square reference changes to the MHz value of the MUF at that location. The colour of the square is scaled between yellow and red for MUF values between 28 and 200 MHz. If the data is not updated sooner, it remains visible for 15 minutes and then disappears.

*See a description of the locator grid system here.