European Sporadic-E

This map includes all reported amateur communication modes including digital modes and skimmer reports.

Band/Frequency Colour Key

This map should not include any F2 propagation reports. Long distance Es on 6m are sometimes mis-reported as F2 contacts and vice-versa. To see long-distance contacts see the hemisphere “Es” maps.

NEW: View video of the last few hours’ activity

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Analogue and Digital modes are shown.

The map above is auto-refreshed every minute or so. It’s generated by the application LiveMUF by Dave Edwards, G7RAU. This application is available to licenced radio amateurs to produce their own propagation maps.

Coloured lines indicate sporadic-E propagation reported in the following frequency bands during the last 15 minute period:
Blue lines = 28 MHz
Yellow lines = 50 MHz
Orange lines = 70 MHz
Red lines = 144 MHz
No-lines visible = No propagation reported
White parallel lines crossing the map = day/night terminator
Yellow star = Sub-solar point

The calculated MUF (Maximum Useable Frequency) is also shown on the map at the mid-point square, where the assumed ionospheric refraction occurs.

The data block in the bottom left corner includes the date and the start/end times for the 15 minute period of the current map in UTC.